B Sides, Oddities and Out Takes
Our new album released 2023
This album is pretty much what the title implies. The B sides are songs previously released but never promoted or included in our live shows. Usually because of the limitations of doing duo or small band performances. The Oddities and Out Takes are mostly songs that were initially intended for an Alter Ego band idea called Perry Menapaws and the Hot Flashes, and later Jay Scott and the Needle Drop 😃 These songs have more of a 60’s or 70’s vibe in their writing style and production. We had Great fun recording these songs, but felt they didn’t really fit on a Mini Bar Project album…until now 😊
The one exception is the song “I Want You to Stay” which was recently written and recorded by Jeff. But we decided it had such a retro vibe that it fit right in on this album. We hope you enjoy these songs as much as we enjoyed recording them!
Peace and very groovy love,
Marty and Jeff
Imagine That
Album released 2022
Imagine That is our 6th studio album. After recording the previous album remotely due to the pandemic it was good to get back in the studio together. This is a rather eclectic mix of songs. From the semi jazzy title track to the almost orchestral One Good Rain to the folky tenderness of The Third Jewel of Lyon, we did our best to mix it up. Hope you enjoy it!
Songs From Exile
Our 5th album 2021
Jeff: We had recorded the first song “You” at the end of the previous year, and after the holidays, in early February had recorded the basic tracks for the second song “Flying”, and had Nick Mancini add Vibraphone to “You”.
Our normal process would be to meet at my home studio to record. Both of us bouncing and spring boarding ideas off of each other. On March 13th 2020 we were instructed to go in to lockdown because of Covid19.
Because of the lockdown, Marty started recording (on his iPhone) his vocal and guitar parts at his home in his bedroom and sending them to me where we would then bounce ideas remotely. A few songs in, when it seemed like the Covid wasn’t going anywhere fast, Marty invested in a better way to record and we we were off on the “Songs From Exile” journey.
Marty: I guess River was the first song recorded completely remotely. I recorded guitar and vocals on my iPhone and sent them to Jeff. California was next and in both cases the guitar parts were ultimately dropped or replaced. The quality wasn’t good enough. We kept the vocal tracks and Jeff did what he could to make them sound good. After I upgraded my recording situation I was able to send better quality tracks. All and all it turned out to be a pretty prolific year and we kept busy working on songs the whole time. The songs are almost in chronological order and so inadvertently tell the story of our year in the pandemic... sort of, although that wasn’t really the intention. We hope you enjoy these “Songs From Exile” as much as we enjoyed recording them.
Way Past Time
Our forth album 2019
This seven song EP was recorded is a relatively short amount of time. (for us ( : ) It’s a fairly eclectic group of songs. Track two, “Only You” is a cover of our own song recorded on our first album in a sort of Cow Punk way and re-recorded here more in it’s original folky manner. There are a couple of folky songs and a couple rockers and for the life of us we don’t know what you’d call the last “song”! But as always we had a great time recording this album. Marty played acoustic guitar and drums and Jeff played drums on track 6, guitars both electric and acoustic, bass keyboards, samples, etc.
We hope you enjoy this record!
Marty Van Loan / Jeff Evans
Don’t Pretend
Our third album 2018
On this album Jeff and I assume all the musical roles. More out of expediency and trying to save a buck than any good reason. ( We did have one guest on the recording, Licity Collins sang backing vocals on track 4.) Thanks Licity! Marty took over playing drums on all but track 5 which Jeff played drums on. Marty also played his trusty Martin D18 GE lefty guitar and some odd percussion. Maybe some keyboard on track 10. ( We honestly don’t recall but have this vague recollection..) Jeff plays all other instruments: acoustic and electric guitars, bass, keyboards, Kitchen sink…
As on all our albums we share vocal duties, each singing lead and backing vocals. This album also marks the first (and last) time we included a cover song. Track 10 is a cover of the Golden Earring song “Radar Love”. I’m not sure how this came about, I think were just playing one day and stumbled into it as sort of a joke, but it was so fun to play that we ended up recording our version of the song. This whole album was a blast to record. We hope you enjoy it!
Our second album 2014.
This seven song EP was three years in the making. Jeff and I took our time with the songs and the recordings. Another perk of not being in a band that needs to tour. ( : This album also was our first time experimenting with horns, strings and drum loops. Robert Rachelli played drums on most of the tracks. Dave Palmer: keyboards track 7. Bruce Conway: bass on track 6. John O’Conner lent a hand with the strings on track 7.
Marty played acoustic guitar and percussion and keyboard on track 1 The rest was on Jeff’s shoulders as was more and more the case as our recordings progressed. Jeff plays electric and acoustic guitars, bass, keyboards, samples, percussion, and occasionally the kitchen sink! We had a lot of fun recording this one.
The mini Bar Project
first album in 2011. We started recording the basic tracks for this album at Flower Studio in Ojai Ca. with Drummer Robert Rachelli. Then moved over to Colourbox Recording in Ventura, Ca. to finish. We were joined by Keyboardist Dave Palmer and various bass gods: Kenny Edwards, Taras Prodaniuk and Kevin McCormick.